Dear Emma.
Time is thief! Today you are 9 months and 9 days old! What?! You have spent more days out in the world (282), than you did in my belly. (225)

You were born at 34 gestational weeks. After plenty of worry and early day scares, I like to think that we were given extra time. To know you sooner and hold you for longer.
This is who you are today:
You are my cutie, Emma Rose! You have 2 teeth. You have the biggest blue eyes. You weigh 8kgs. You have a mild and persistent rash across your eyes that we're treating every day. And, you have a dimple to match your dad's on your right cheek. But, my darling girl, know this... You are more than the flare of your nostrils. You are brighter than the blue of your eyes. You will have an impact on the world, the environment and in your community, greater than any number you will ever read on any scale. If you keep that in mind, you will remember to not confuse your 'content' with your 'packaging'.
Boys mess up your house. Girls mess up your head...
Each day I get to know you a little bit better. And each day you grow a little bit more independent. Yesterday I could put you down where I knew you would be safe. Today, if I turn away for even a second, you've crawled off to investigate a new corner.
You are such a little explorer!
I think I may be starting to understand why so often mothers and their children clash. It's a contradictory, albeit pure relationship. A power struggle based on the best of intentions. We love one another fiercely. But we also know our own minds!
I want to hold you for a cuddle. You want to squirm away to reach your Sophie.
I want you to taste blackberries. You want the blueberries you know and love.
I want you to do that thing, where you fake cough when I do. Instead, you want to click that little tongue that you've just discovered.
You are kind. You are happy.
You wake up smiling. It is truly a rare occasion when you cry. We know that you're awake because we hear you cooing and entertaining yourself. In the last 2 weeks, you have found your voice. You let out a loud and long: "heeeeey!" Followed by a little chuckle. Clearly impressing yourself with your new and improved means of communication. It's the nicest sound. Sometimes we will leave you for a little longer than we need to, just to hear it again. Of some concern is that you are now able to stand up in your cot while you wait for us! (Can we put a brick on your head?)
You give us big smiles when we walk into a room. I'm told that one day this will change. That a stage may come where you shout at us to stay out. Or, glare at us for entering. (Where are we as you read this? Were we lucky? Did we skip that part?)
So... You are happy and kind to your newbie parents.
You love tasting new foods. Today, your favorites are: blueberries, raspberries, veggie pancakes, salmon fish pies and French toast.
You love watching trees and plants.
You love banging things with your busy little hands.
Your fingers flex and your arms pump along to music.
Your daddy is your greatest obsession. I am your compass.
Anything your father does makes you squeal in delight. Really, anything...Sometimes it's him blowing his nose!
And, any time you are entertained or startled, excited or uneasy, you turn to connect with me. Just some eye contact, to check if I can see what you can.
You love it when I clap for you. You love it when I nod and encourage you.

We respect you. And I'm so glad that I'm parenting in a generation where saying so is no longer ridiculed. You are seen. You are heard.
We parent you based on a relationship of trust. We are mostly fumbling our way through this gig. But we are confident in the knowledge that we have done well for ourselves and so we know that we can do better for you! We trust that we know you better than anyone else. And so we are the best people for the job of loving, raising and growing with you.
We respond to your tears. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
In the 9 months you have spent teaching us to be your parents, we have found ourselves to be flexible. We are kind to ourselves and we no longer sweat the small stuff. (This was learned the hard way.) As result, we are in the company of a baby girl who is super relaxed and who rewards us with a self imposed routine.
Often, subconciously even, our need to please our parents stifles our passions. Our commitment to wanting to protect you from that fate has really encouraged us to buy into the idea of #freerange #gentleparenting. So far, it's worked well for our family. People mean well, but perhaps if a frequent visitor had been around, confidently suggesting a more rigid routine, or their personal approach, we might not have found our approach.
We didn't realize that there was a name for this brand of gut-feel parenting. We are pleased to have found plenty of other parents, raising healthy and disciplined children who follow the same parenting principles. There are moms blogging, specialists thumbs-upping, research findings to be googled and happy babies walking about tall and strong (not to mention falling asleep each night) to encourage us.
So here we are, just doing what feels right. What you tell us to do. And you always tell us. We hear it when we care to truly listen. You'll learn as you grow, that to really listen to the people you care about, when it comes to things that matter; you need to listen with more than just your ears. You listen with your eyes and with your heart. And you listen with the feelings that happen deep inside your tummy.
And so, Emma, I will always try meet you where you are. And I will keep trying to grow with you my little goose. While listening. And I certainly hope that you never stop turning back to catch my eye. Not for my approval. But rather to say: "Look, mom! I'm doing it!"
All my love,
Mommy X0
I am in awe at your amazing writing style... you make me WANT to read on and bring out the emotion that I am sure every Mom feels or can relate to... your blog is written with such passion that emanates from your writing style... Love it C... U are amazing and doing such a wonderful Mom Job with your princess... she is truly blessed <3
Omw... I don't know where to start. Besides your passionate writing and love that oozes. you have made me realise the journey that I face ahead may seem scary now. But will be ok. U r such an amazing mom. Thank u for sharing this with the world. Emma is a very blessed girl to have such amazing parents.